5 Year Olds


C Kids – 5 Year Olds

Our exciting 5 Year Old ministry is specifically designed to meet the needs of those children who are ready for a more structured environment, but not quite ready for a full service format yet.

5 Year Olds meet upstairs in the Kids Chapel (above Children’s check-in).

During a typical 5 Year Old service, children will begin to learn how to play independently, in small group settings, and in larger group formats. They will see, hear, and dramatically experience a Bible story, utilizing creativity from our teaching team of adults and teenagers. The 5 Year Olds will have a craft or coloring project that helps to reinforce the Bible story and promotes improvement of coordination and dexterity. Children will also be exposed to various musical and media elements on an age-appropriate level. A light snack is served during regular services.

How Can You Get Involved?

If you are interested in getting involved in one of the many C Kids ministry opportunities in registration, small groups, drama, singing, staging, special events and more, please contact C Kids at melissa@cathedralemail.com.