Note from Mike – Whisper Continues

October 16, 2015

Hello Cathedral Family,

We’re heading into week 2 of our WHISPER series. There’s nothing like hearing the voice of God and experiencing the adventure of a life led by His divine input! Last week, we talked about how to know whether a whisper really is from God. If you missed the service, be sure to watch or listen online.

This week, we’ll focus on three types of whispers God speaks in our lives. You don’t want to miss it!

It’s not too late to be part of a WHISPER group! We’ve heard great reports about what’s already happening. Groups are available every day of the week. Be sure to check out our groups catalog online, contact a group leader, and get connected!

I’d love to hear how this series is impacting your life. Your story matters! Please consider taking a few minutes to jot down your thoughts and email us.

From my own life, I know that hearing God’s whispers and responding have made all the difference. My prayer is that the same will be true for you.

I’ll see you on Sunday!


Mike Lewis