Note from Mike – The Art of Letting Go

April 7, 2016

Hello Church Family,

I’m excited about our new series, EXIT US!

Last week we set the stage for our study with an overview that took us from the fall of Adam, to the faith of Abraham, to the birth of the Nation of Israel.

It’s amazing to watch God thread His perfect plan together through ordinary people just like us! It’s worth noting that God’s plan for a generation always splashes over to the next and the next.

This week, we crack open the next chapter of our story in the book of Exodus. Let me ask you a question. When is the last time you had the thought, “I need to let that go” or “I have carried that around long enough” or “I need to get over that”?

Are you living in your past? Is your past dictating your present? How about the future? Do concerns or worries about the future invade your present?

Then DON’T MISS this Sunday’s message as we talk about The Art of Letting Go. This message will give you hope for the future.

If you missed last Sunday be sure to watch it online.

I’ll see you Sunday!


Mike Lewis